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The Chant of the Big Black Birds of Bendigo is now available at Sticky Institute . 64 pages, black and white with colour cover, A5 size, $7.50.
This gallery contains 1 photo.
The Chant of the Big Black Birds of Bendigo is now available at Sticky Institute . 64 pages, black and white with colour cover, A5 size, $7.50.
Very pleased to announce that this is (finally) reaching publication. In post-production now and will be launching at Bendi-Con 2019 at the Bendigo Showgrounds on September 22.
More details on availability to follow.
I’m now working on the follow up to When Bendigo Black Birds Sing, which is to be titled The Chant of the Big Black Birds of Bendigo, and aiming for completion by the end of 2018.
Expect to see more interaction between the people of Bendigo and the Big Black Birds. Here’s a sample page, work in progress.
This will be the fourth instalment of the Bendigo Pub Project of Oscar Lago